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Group outing
Group outing to see the 39 steps   The cats leave Cedars Road   Oak base

September 10th 2024

Double celebration

Tom's Birthday was celebrated over several days, first in London where we all, bar Jonathan and Georgie, went to the Trafalgar Theatre for a matinée performance of The 39 Steps, a comedy thriller based upon the book and film of the same name by John Buchan and Alfred Hitchcock respectively. It is acted by only four cast members who portray 139 roles and was enormous fun. Thank you, Alastair, for suggesting that we go and see it.

Tom and Yuri returned to Salisbury the following day, and the second celebration inferred by the title of this blog is that they took Jeeves and Bertie with them. I am not sure who was most happy about this: Tom and Yuri as they now have their cats settled into their new home; Mary because the sitting room furniture in London will no longer be used as scratching posts; Blue who tolerated their presence when in London, but is clearly happier without them around; or our neighbours who were unhappy that the cats liked to use their garden as a toilet on occasion. As you can see from the photo taken at a birthday breakfast on the actual anniversary of Tom's birth, Jeeves is already at ease in his new surroundings and is hogging all the attention.




First day at Medical School
Packed and ready to go   Florence Boot Hall   Mary and her old tutor

September 20th 2024

Medical School Day One

Mary, I and Blue accompanied Alastair to Nottingham today to get him settled into Florence Boot Hall. An early start, with the car packed so full that poor Blue had to squeeze into a small corner of the boot, meant that we arrived in good time and had a wonderfully quiet and unhurried registration, key pick-up and unloading of all Alastair's possessions into his new room. Both Jono and Georgie spent their first year at Nottingham in Florence Boot Hall but, after a £1 million plus refurbishment, the accommodation is considerably more comfortable than it was then, especially in the brand-new annexe, which is where Alastair has managed to secure a place.

Nottingham is also Mary's alma mater and she very much enjoyed seeing how much of the campus had changed since she was a medical student. The University has always run an excellent system in which all students are allocated a personal tutor to whom they can turn if they have a problem or simply need support. Mary's personal tutor, Professor Ian Macdonald, still has links with the University and it was lovely to meet up with him for lunch during which Mary reminisced about the few occasions when he had provided a shoulder on which she was able to cry.

Much as Mary and I would have liked to have stayed on for the afternoon, we were very aware that this wish, unsurprisingly perhaps, was not shared by Alastair so, shortly after lunch, we took our leave from our very excited son. Good luck Alastair.




  © Copyright Thomas Jackson 2010